Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Poster Contest! Enter before May 27

Can You Do Better than This?
Enter Our Summer Reading Poster Contest! And YOUR poster could be on display at the Monroe Township Public Library!

Create a poster celebrating summer reading using either “YOU ARE HERE” or “NOVEL DESTINATIONS” as a theme. Winner will receive a gift card for art supplies and will have poster displayed all summer long at the Library! ENTRIES DUE FRIDAY, MAY 27! Must be 11x17 in size.
Drop off at Reference Desk or, if digital, email to teens@monroetwplibrary.org.

Party Like It’s 1999 (B.C.E.)!

On Friday, May 13th, from 7:00-8:30 p.m., Monroe Library’s Teen Advisory Group will present its long-awaited Olympians Party for students in grades 7-12. Games, trivia, and prizes inspired by Greek mythology and Rick Riordan’s “Percy Jackson” series will make this the best TAG party yet! The party will be held in the Library Meeting Room after regular hours. Nectar and ambrosia will be served!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Olympians Party at the Library this Friday!

Get your “Greek” on at the Olympians Party at the Monroe Township Library on Friday, May 13th from 7 to 8:30 pm! We will have food, games, and door prizes fit for gods, goddesses and mere mortals! Teens in 7th grade and up are welcome.